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Special Edition - Women & Meditation

At the Ultimate Day of Gathering of mankind, what is a man or a woman’s worth in Allah’s eyes? Each had played our roles on earth and both will be judged fairly. Whilst the great Prophets, Messengers, Sahabah and Muttaqun were males, Islam is the only Deen which raises the status of women.

While Christianity deemed women the Devil, Islam accorded souls to women. While the Pagans banished women to be sexual symbols, Islam protected women with the hijab and modesty of dress. While modernism made career women superior to docile home-makers, Islam ensured that wives have rights to maintenance and mothers are the gates to Eden.

Even so, Islamic history is truthful regards the best and the worst of women. Without Hagar, we will not have the birth of Prophet Ismail (peace be upon him) and the lineage to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Without Sarah, the lines of Jewish Prophets and Messengers through Prophet Isaac (peace be upon him) cannot be realised.

The daughters of Prophet Jacob (peace be upon him) were married ro Prophet Moses (peace be upon them all) while the daughter of our great Caliphs Abu Bakar and ‘Umar were married to our noble Prophet. The daughters of our beloved Messenger were married to Uthman Ibn ‘Affan. While Rasulullah married his daughter Fatimah to his cousin Ali ibn Abi Talib.

Yet the misguided ones exist. Noah’s wife lagged behind the Ark and drowned with her son. Lot’s wife was a disbeliever. Juxtaposed with the piety of the insolent Pharaoh, whose wife Asiya, was an epitome of goodness and sacrifice. Even Maryam has a chapter in the Qur’an dedicated to her in honour of her being the Virgin mother of Jesus Christ.


Today, women, more than ever before is in much desperate need for meditation. Coupled with increasing life’s material burdens and the threat of moral regressions, it is necessary for us to gain an accurate interpretation of God’s commandments and walk the path of the chosen Ones.

While rules are not meant to be broken, being the fairer gender has its positivities. The innate gentler natures of women are more easily tamed to do right. Yet the voice of innocence within can also emerge strong to put down the evil temptations swerving women from the right path to Eden.

She must have faith that she is accorded the same promise as Adam. With constancy in her devotion towards the Beautiful Ever-Living Rabb, she will never again question her life mission.


Gracious Arabic Queen Saba was beautiful, intelligent, understanding, resourceful, and adventurous. With a melodious voice and as an eloquent speaker, she brought honour to Yememi's public relations and international diplomacy, ruling competently during her reign.

Prophet Solomon's throne built upon glass matched all her heart's yearnings and with wisdom did he delved into the recesses of her soul - freeing her from being a Magian to bowing and submitting to the Glory of Allah.

So were the same truthful spirits of Hawa lived on within the likes of Virgin Mary, Asiya wife of Pharaoh, Aisha wife of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and Islamic scholar, Khadijah the Great widow of the Messenger who pledged everything in aid of the spread of Tawheed. And so will the spirit of these great women run within the guided women of today.

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