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Aged at 40, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was chosen to be the torch bearer to guide the last community of today to the same God who guided all the Prophets of the past nations (peace be upon them all).

He had the seal on his shoulder and surely it was written in the Book of ‘Illiyyin before creation. All of us have been created aforetime - our souls have been predestined to be born and live the way of a man.


Purposeful Networking

In neurological terms, optimal brain usage occurs when there is maximum blood flow across both the left and right hemispheres, where the neural networks emit fastest electrical signals. And it is precisely during meditation or full concentration upon a higher power beyond human being that one experiences this stage. And the physical universe works in terms of the smallest atom to bring about alterations that effect one's immediate surroundings. And this process always aims at repelling the negative elements. The challenge then is to ensure than once the negativities are released, the positivities have to start to take root via the heart.

The Right Time

One is sometimes able to have a glimpse into a future event via some visions witnessed during the non-awake states or via present events that do not favour the actualisation of an intended goal. For those who have not witnessed the workings of their own souls, recount memories of the distant that are so vivid even though many years have gone pass. Or those with damaged brain recall centres can still react to objects in fear or love due to experiences before they became forgetful. The heart then is the true reaction centre which when exposed to the right conditions provide timely reactions to the limbs. The heart then houses emotions of sadness and happiness, anger and love, hatred and compassion, suspicion and trust. The key is to clearly decipher which one of the opposites bring the reality of tranquility and peace versus creating the 'reality' of torment to the soul. It is necessary to distract the culprit, lure it out, and then cast it out from the home forever.

Connecting With the Inner Voice

This is the voice that is our loyal companion in youth and aged, in health and sickness, in poverty and wealth, in life and death. Amidst buzzing of noise confusion, we are searching for that one voice within that is the same voice inside all creation since we are all from one source. In an empty cave a soft voice will send waves of echo. The echo only bounces back when there is a barrier at the other end. Words of anger begets words of anger and other variations such as affection will reap affection. With a heart free of attachments, the distance of the voice of purity sends waves which connects to other similar waveforms, weaves through and merges to form a bigger current. We have to find the voice of eternal bliss and remain close to it.

Achieving A Blissful Heart With Ease

Do not kill or try to defeat others. Instead kill and defeat ourselves. We are our own ultimate protector. Only by realising how difficult it is to shake our own strength does one sees the futility of hurting others. A heart that acknowledges its creator, which receives guidance, which converges on truth, that follows only blessings, emits blessings, and receives blessings and which ultimately connects with the beat of the cosmos becomes naturally attracted to what eases the soul. Do not tarnish the purity of others, do not abandon upright principles and serve the people.

Making The Constant Connection To Nature

The salmon resisted the direction for water flow, to copulate, breed and then return back to its original reservoir only to die. There is no reason to love because the essence is that of seeing beauty in the ugly and then understand how the ugly and beautiful mutually wish they had something in possession of the other. Ease the discontented soul with gratitude for the little that we have, the fact is we had nothing originally. No one need more than what one already possess.

The Reality Of Reality

One, heaven is happiness, ease and everlasting, prosperity and peace, decorated and beautiful place. There is respect and never ending sustenance, place of biggest gain, never ending goodness and of most satisfactory recompense

Two, patience is to avoid conflict, remaining calm in heart amidst throbbing challenges, remaining grateful and feeling sufficient amidst lack, not betraying loyalty, refraining from evil, and continuous striving towards right.

Three, sincerity cleanses the heart, cleanses sins, gives release from fear, weariness, and uncertainty.

The Deeper Reality

One, lies and slavery arise from differences and oppose justice. One is better off not harboring jealousy over the abundance of others.

Two, the physical body is a wonder machine that operates non-stop and uses electrical energy via every limb movement, commandments from brain via veins, chemical compositions, at rest, heart beat, and breathing; none of which anyone is blessed to control.

Three, piety is goodness to all creatures and a lack results in betrayal which makes the betrayed react with anger and sadness. The cycle completes because the former, due to being motivated by false knowledge, succumbs to ostracisation and depression.

Four, the happiness that wealth creates begins to blind one's mental health. To prevent the rise of mutual killings, the rich can obtain security through charity.

Reality Within Reality

It is a fact that light rays spread in all directions but only one is captured by sight, the one that travels in a straight line. Those light particles not travelling in a straight line is missed by the eye.

The blind senses thus fall prey to committing oppression - self importance, inhumane, not able to love and give, not assertive but aggressive, not wise but uses coercion, afraid to face risks thus usurping rights of others.

Crawling out from blindness to light revolves a resolution to protecting birthright state - free from idleness, futility, eradicating human beasts and preserving the nature's pristine origins.

The Constants Of Life

Choose guidance and remove burdening others with the results that we want. The one dispossessed of knowledge is void of angelic intentions that has always been residing deep within our human essence and existence.

Transcending the inner devil that tries to burn the inner light with unseen fire is bound to be the sought after result. One only need to exert personal effort as one who extinguishes the flames that is fast devouring one's only home.

How many homes of the human hearts then are saved daily. Once the exquisite chandelier is hung within, they are no longer cold but warm and inviting.

Keeping The Glow

We are created rational beings to avoid destruction and to seek help if helpless. We are not meant to contradict seeds of love and warmth, everyday is a miracle if daily we change for the better. Rejection leads to the attainment of something more valuable, so free the life cycle of slavery and inaction as a result of poor understanding and self despise. Life is utmost grandeur of beauty, far from what we perceive as imperfect although realising our sense of powerlessness of within the vast cosmos. That vastness is surely non-comparable to the most amazing wonders inside our own minds.

The True Force

Peace of the heart is relinquishing our control and surrendering it to the omniscient one who voices resides within our soul. We must begin to share simply because we cannot bring with us all that we covet into the grave. Predetermination is to create, to make loss, to change according to a best fit while dreams allows one to travel into a forgotten past or future destination whose vastness is not yet explored. Sometimes dreams are true although to make dreams into reality is the wish of many.

The opposite of peace is disunity and it goes against a central gravity which is meant to helping others in need. The force behind this anomaly resides in a false belief including that of immortality.


Seek the medicine for a diseased heart, disease of suspicion, conspiracy, disbelief, lies and sins. Reach a restful state of internal sense of dignity and getting a clear portrait free from arrogance and self conceit. Fill it up with strength and richness of positivity amidst reality of death and natural disasters. Return to the truth after the grueling tests and not towards giving up and self despair by the passing away of someone before ours.

Our life is never immune from useless philosophy about births and rebirths. Beware of beautiful but empty promises; affirm truthful reminders, advice, laws, intelligence, guidance, blessings, light, soul, good news, wisdom. Cleanse soul from being discriminative and oppressive as its true nature is able to light up and warm our surrounding.

On Being Useful

Being useful to the community, do charity and keep good relations, not denying the stages of life cycle, consistent in good deeds and realise that our time on earth is limited, acknowledge forces beyond ourselves, exudes gentleness and let go of hatred. Change and eat less to avoid forgetting the less fortunate and so that it is easier to convey lessons to others, do not indulge in supernatural to inflict hurt to others. Release fear from a future that cannot be anticipated, work hard for the enjoyment of this life without expecting the respect of others for one's achievements.

Create a mindset that is careful and open to good advice, be our true self as it is nature of despair to seek the need to motivate. Keep our strength of spirit or heart so one need to pray to counter self nature of laziness and distractions so the need to set goals. Set the stages for tears of love, harmony, appreciation, missing, ready to overcome ebbs of life, connect with creator who put love inside us for strangers.


Desires start from the first sight then it slowly leads to doubts and suspicions of what it had seen earlier. So seeking forgiveness from our souls for we became attached to desires from the omnipresence. It is the only reliable source left in soothing anger and evil intentions. After that, stick to companions who constantly remind one to submission of our pure essence for we came from the most pure.

The body is created for the heart is maximally placed near to our mind and we exist as long as blood flows. While it still flows, do not force nor enslave. The inspiration will reach the truth seekers, they are not of the despised ones for good communication with goodly companions is good guarantee for a peaceful life.

Misinterpret not piety for procrastination nor hastiness, disappointment nor excuses, surrender nor despair. Trust that remembrance of our creator opens minds, hearts calm, soul joyous, soul at peace from primal source. It is awe at power of almighty, not fear as there is guarantee of promises fulfilled - temporary death, sickness, aging, hardship before reaching eternal life, health, youth, and ease. Grieve no more of loneliness, there is family life here and in hereafter with loved ones. Remain steadfast of the way in a good heart that does not procrastinate slightest opportunity to better self which we allow to slip and remain unchanged. Small goodness brings smiles to the recipient of useful knowledge, smiles to the parents whose child's prayers reaches them, smiles to smiles to the hungry who beams at the hanging fruits from the trees, smiles to the faces of the child who eagerly reads the book from someone he never met, smiles of the people who protect their motherland, smiles from the folks whose lives become safe from the coasts for the dams and their crops become fertile, smiles from the tired travelers who finally find their resting places for the night, and smiles to the devout who are awed by majestic worship halls where peoples are kind and generous with sharing.


Ego manifests in our self esteem through self worth and confidence but look out when it changes to pride. Experience a paradigm shift - realise humans are essentially spiritual not physical beings and realise all good we do is for our own sake, even when we give to others.

True happiness resides in love towards the creator, call him just as we call those we endear but know the creator is above all. Keep patience amidst tests and it is very difficult except for a grateful heart just like a happy spouse who continue this life journey and bring many blessings to the loved other.

Nobody has the right to criticise, beg, be sad, be afraid or insincere in forgiving others. Our natural inclinations is to seek justice, calmness, peace, harmony, unity, goodness, fight desire to gain balance and life happiness. Stubbornness, criticising others, making fun of prophets and messengers and pious and good people are counter to true surrender.

Transcend the cruelty of war and create the garden - never ever commit betrayal nor lie; never mutilate nor kill children, the aged, women; never fell or burn nourishing fruit trees nor sacrifice life-stocks in vain; leave worshippers who are devout and seeking asylum from their creator. The strategies of the devil is deception - creating uncertainty although doing obvious good deeds, seeing misdeeds as worthy and vice versa, deceiving humans with illusion and wishful thinking, creating enmity between peoples, causing fear, stopping true followers from the way of true paradise, famed for false promises, weaving deception to implicate humans in crimes and sins and misdeeds.

Ultimate destiny is humility. In this stature is not lost, credibility and progress rise. Believe not the words of others before confirming the truth.


The keys to gain calmness of heart is to be independent from others except the creator, do not think bad of those who gossip or look down on us, do not reminisce past regrets, do not harbor anger, grudge, jealousy, and hatred, do not habitually rush but manage time, love life and death - it is safe in the hands of the one who determined these before our birth. Everything is for because the best of our souls so do not worry about tomorrow, knock on door of mercy and keep in constant remembrance to the listener of all complains.

What is there to complain when hearts find rest in beauty of creation - mountains, sky, sea - and the law abiding nature which consistently alternates between day and night - and the creation recompense of eternal joy for the one whose heart unites with the light. Fulfill the promise that we make to ourselves when we were past witness to the true bliss that is to come kept in store, all that the senses and hearts desire.

Make ease, keep vigil. See through the knowledge that forces all to revolve around its centre. Throw away all regrets, frustrations, distractions, destructive negative thoughts, monstrous base desires, diseases of the heart reflected in transgression and sins, harshness and hardness, lacking and laziness and inconsistency in worship.


Be where the harmonious energy is, that connects one to the creator and living beings. Be aware of the hidden enemy who puts on masks which at times flies and sticks to our faces and then becomes impossible to remove.

Freshen the vision with flower scent, precious minerals, true knowledge, rainbow colors and rest the bodies with soft couches and beautiful companions and satisfy the throat with delicious fruits and feeling the blessed lights all around, while time and space no more rules.


Calm, clarity, presence, relaxation! abundance, prosperity and success. Remember the journey, express thanks for the destination. Only smiles as a reward for our belief in surrender. That this is meant to be should many even the most dumb witted refuse to trade it in for any cent.


There is no going against the forward road and one is prevented from slippery tracks. Miraculous deep mutual understanding and no more agonising separation. Just a consciousness, real not delusion.



As with “Real Connection: Towards Oneness”, “Spiritual Baby: Road Back to Eden” is a continuation of the journey to eternity. In special tribute to Prophet Idris (peace be upon him) or better known in the Jewish and Christian literature as Enoch. It was revealed that he was the first person who made writing a form of knowledge transmission.

Indeed witnessing the Countenance of Allah the Light is non-parable to all the delights of Eden. We must all continue to ardently yearn and wish for both to keep our spirits alive.


The Final Affirmation:

We as humans seem to be unable to escape from a paradigm conflict that on one hand makes us feel that we are disconnected from this universe but at the same time we perceive as real the events that we have to go through within this physical world. While displaying perfection in our lives be it in relationships, career, pastime, self-improvement and the list never ends, there lurks deep within a sense of fear and insecurity, a longing and loneliness, a constant struggle to achieve and despair, all of which never surface until one is forced to undergo a life redirection due to unsuspecting circumstance. Even now, one can choose to deny that our reality becomes real because we made it so. Meaning that we secretly wish for our reality to be beautiful or ugly and then we strive to attract the perfect components to build this reality.

This type of mental state is known as the subconscious. When the reality deviates from our sense of perfection, we become unhappy. We experience cognitive dissonance and we try to give excuses. However, this seed of un-fulfilment will inadvertently manifest itself in various forms, sooner or later. The human body operates on the theory of homeostasis, just like the plants that go in search of the direction of the sunlight and needs water to grow. However, fertiliser and re-potting it will surely make it grow more strong and beautiful and longer. It is this strength that I am focusing here. It is a form of eternal happiness, goodness, gratitude, joy and abundance, free from jealousy, fear, anger, drama, anxiety and envy.

One has to slowly peel the layers of the onion within our own existence. It will bring tears but when we reach to the bulb, we see the light. A reflection of ourselves in the waters does not make the reflection us. The real me and you is the one within ourselves, our heart and soul while being constantly aware of the mind that continuously weaves our perception of reality. We must seek grace and blessings from the Creator of our heartbeat and the air that we breathe in and have faith that abundance is our birth-right.

Pain and suffering is the root of mental torture either self-inflicted or inflicted upon us from other human beings or our exterior world. Yet one got to harmonise our soul with the pure nature that is also our birth-right. That is the real us.

There are many forms of assistance from sages to professionals and even the person next door. This is simply because the human vicarious experience is as varied as it is life forms and connections. All forms of therapeutic assistance potentially alleviate the problem one is suffering from. From physical issues such as body or eating disorders, emotional hurts due to failed relationships or trauma in life, mental diagnosis that be as varied as the four classifications on the DSM-IV, and behavioral manifestations that become the source of focus of most therapies because it simply is the facet that one can change.

Before we thread on this path of change, it is obvious that we must have an accurate diagnosis of the ailment that enshrouds every thinking and living being. One parameter that we are working with is that human beings are essentially spiritual beings. For the more sophisticated amongst us, we came to learn that there are elements of fire, air, water, light and earth, and ether. Each is symbolised by the various inclinations within you and me – the devil, reason, feeling, the angelic, the physical, and the mind.

The second parameter that we are working with is that we need to combine all these sensations, let them go, and reach a state of nothingness or oneness. Let go of the emotions as separate from ourselves. Transcend evil by envisioning the wisdom behind the tests given to us.

The direction of our current endeavor is to be clear of the realities and take responsibility of what we are creating with those realities and decide on the path that will bring us to that heavenly door of bliss and peace.

In order to make our understanding of the materials to be presented more easily understood by peoples of various schools of thoughts, it is my aim to present the pages in a structured manner that goes well with our natural need for a system. However, the key is to be present with all the information that will be reading into your ears and the words of which is hoped to sink into your hearts and leading to a transformation of your soul.

Remember that abundance is our birth-right and that once our souls are connected to the source that enriches and enlivens them, we will no longer be clouded by self trapping delusions.

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