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From the progeny of the union of Adam and Eve, we are created. Housed on earth for a mission, our souls are dressed up in perfect human symmetries. Our endowments supersede that of the animals. We are top of the chain of life. We lose sight of the rights of other living souls - claiming ourselves the only legitimate heirs of this universe.

Far from being a slave of Allah and a vicegerent to lead the rest of creation; instead of spreading peace... We become the hands that stain soils with blood, burning the trees, bringing death to our own ecosystem.

Allah does not want His servants to over exert themselves in worship such as to create boredom in the minds and a resulting hatred for religion in the souls. But some misguided ones even think that they surpass others in terms of spiritual excellence. The best guide will be to be amongst the righteous at all times.

A true worshipper ensures that rewards are not the end goal of the act, except to gain Allah's pleasure. All our prayers, our intentions, our life, our death is dedicated to Him. To be chosen to utter Laa ilaaha illallaah in the womb, during our first cry, our first smile, and our last breath.


None carries the burden of another. Islam provides many outlets for a baby born pure, and who then is tainted by all the transgressions committed against Allah on earth, to return to Allah cleansed.

There is no compulsion is Islam and Allah provides ease for his servants in many ways. While prayers are obligatory upon a Muslim, charity receives equal status in the Qur’an. A person who worships Allah will not have his or her deeds accepted if charity is not practised as a way of life. Helping the poor and even kindness towards animals are greater reflection of the souls.

Even during the fasting month of Ramadhan, Muslims are enjoined to feel the hunger akin to the poor and are encouraged to provide food for the needy. Each one is also required to pay Zakat Fitrah, amounting to a basic meal for a day, in order to cleanse the souls from greed.

In return for spending one’s wealth for the greater good, Allah guides a person and removes attachment to the luxuries of life. With such spiritual detachment to materialism, we can focus more on developing our conscience and attain closeness to Allah.

When a slave is near to Allah, He grants all our deepest desires without us even asking for it. How more amazing when He grants us eternity in Eden which is not an illusory fantastical realm. But Eden is a reality, a promise by Allah, the Haqq. There is no toil, no pain nor weariness. Surely, a wise exchange for all our temporal wealth!

So we must strive to attain wealth and then spending it in the way of Allah and be of the utmost assistance to the less fortunate amongst. Just as Allah has created the birds whom He make the stomachs full by His provision, so it is He grants His sustenance to us in due measure.


All goodly effects of piety are translated to outward actions. Ibn Abbas reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “He is not a believer whose stomach is filled while the neighbor to his side goes hungry.” Source: Sunan al-Kubra 19049

Qur'anic injunctions relating to keeping our spirit pure will be to avoid unclean ingestion: forbidden ones include dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine, that on which hath been invoked the name of other than Allah; killed by strangling, violent blow, headlong fall, or gored to death; that which hath been (partly) eaten by a wild animal (unless slaughtered in due form); that which is sacrificed on stone (altars); and the division (of meat) by raffling with arrows.

Salvation in this world and the hereafter can be summed UP - There will be some people accompanying Dajjal, who will say "We keep him company. Although we know that he is an unbeliever, we still keep his company so that we may eat his food." Thus as sapphires symbolise purity and wisdom, so must the wise remain pure by the palate.

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