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Surely there is abundant passing states to sober up our minds regards the impermanence of earthly life. The flesh loses its lustre with age and the huge wealth amassed are inherited by all except its rightful owner. Indeed the trust to be undertaken by Adam and Eve and men and women is not at all easily fathomable.

Allah granted the wishes of Adam and Hawa to dwell in Paradise and eat easily whatever they wish to in abundance; except for a stern warning. “And We said, "O Adam, dwell, you and your wife, in Paradise and eat therefrom in [ease and] abundance from wherever you will. But do not approach this tree, lest you be among the wrongdoers."

Whilst men and women seek sustenance, it is Allah who gives out of his bounties, to all his creation. Yet even animals are grateful for these but a few amongst us are haughty, claiming the credit. So it is a reminder unto us regardless of genders, to learn humility from the parables. And the male to support the female and vice versa in this regards.

The tongues make manifest those hidden in the hearts. True believers will desire death as clear as they are assured of the Blissful Paradise. While hypocrites who defame all the Prophets and truthful men hide only fear in their hearts of the Blazing Fires promised to them.

Allah will never punish a nation without sending the message of Truth warning the Lost Peoples and to liberate them from the trappings of being astray. Guidance will reach those earnestly seeking the Life to come. And the only true source of guidance is by learning from Allah's Revelation and His Chosen Messengers, the final being Muhammad (peace be upon him).



Born in 570 CE in Makkah (Bakka, Baca, Mecca), Prophet Muhammad's father, Abdullah, died several weeks before his birth in Yathrib (Medinah).

Abdullah had went to visit his maternal relatives.

His mother, Aminah, died when he was aged six.

She was returning from 'Abwa, Medinah.

Thereafter raised by his paternal grandfather 'Abd al Muttalib (Shaybah - whose mother Salma was a native of Medinah), he also died two years later.

At aged eight, Abu Talib, his paternal uncle took over his guardianship and brought him to Makkah to succeed the family line ( 'Abd al Muttalib was an influential leader of the Arab tribe ‘Quraish’ and custodian of the Holy sanctuary ‘Ka’bah’).

Thus before his call to Prophethood at aged forty, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was, since aged twelve, a businessman and trader.

He often followed his uncle's merchant caravan to Bosra, Syria.

His fame as "al-Ameen’ (the Honest, Reliable and Trustworthy) spread and earned the interest of Khadijah, a rich Meccan merchant - twiced widow.

She entrusted him with her trade for a paid salary.

She eventually sent a relative to propose in marriage when he turned twenty-five; she was then forty.

Together, they had six children - four daughters and two sons (the first Qasim died at aged two while the second Abdullah died in infancy).

His daughters were Zainab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthum, and Fatimah.

Prophet Muhammad's call to Islam was first embraced by his cousin Ali, his servant Zayd ibn Harithah, his friend Abu Bakr and his wife and daughters. They exclaimed the testimony of faith ("There is no Deity (worthy of worship) except Allah (The One True God) and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.").

His own uncle, Abu Lahab and wife, treated him with utmost hostility.

Even the Quraish leaders sought to bribe him with money and power and convinced Abu Talib of their murder plan.

Abu Talib's persuasion failed and he continued to preach Islam until death overtook him.

It is worth noting that Ammar Ibn Yasir's mother was the first to die amidst the growing persecution of the early believers.

Soon after the lifting of a three-year boycott on the Muslims, Khadijah died in 620 CE and Abu Talib too.




Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) successively married mostly widows and aged women whose husbands died amidst the persecution.

Marriages until Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) reached age 56:

¤ Sawdah, fifty years. Emigrated to Abyssinia (marriage in Mecca)

¤ A’ishah, the only young virgin, daughter of his companion Abu Bakar (divine marriage in Medinah)

¤ successive marriages at ages 56-60 during the huge deaths of Muslim men leaving behind widows and orphans

¤ no marriages in last three years of life (aged 60-63)

Significant Da'wah events:

¤ Revelation of Surah Al Jinn (Chapter 72) after return from Taif (50 miles east/southeast of Makkah) - people rejected Islam

¤ Prescription of 5 daily prayers during al-Israa and al-Miraaj (621 CE) - travel from sacred Mosque near Ka’bah to al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, and then to the Sidratul Muntaha through the heavens with Angel Gabriel

¤ Hijra (migration) to Quba, a suburb of Medinah [Qur'an 28:85] in 622 CE - when the leaders of the Quraish plotted murder of Prophet (s.a.w.) - accompanied by Abu Bakr and welcomed by the Aws and Khazraj

¤ Battles of Badr, Uhud and Allies (Trench) near or around Medinah till 627 CE - in defence against the nonbelievers, Jews and other Arabian tribes

¤ Qur'anic injunction to limit marriages to four wives only - but Rasulullah was not to divorce any of his wives [Qur'an 33:52]

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